VAM Electro Devices Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai make Electronic Single
phase KWH meter type VAM - ILRE consists of three sections
i.e. power supply, measurement section and display section.
The power supply section will feed the power to the measurement
and display sections from the input voltage with a minimum
possible burden.
The measurement sections is connected to the basic voltage
and basic current signals of the input phase with respect
to the neutral in the mode of 1 phase 2 wire configuration.
These individual voltage and current signals will be signal
conditioned and processed in mixed signal DSP core based integrated
circuit which is capable of performing the bidirectional power
calculations across a wide dynamic range of power to an excellent
overall accuracy limit.
The calculated power will be indicated by the pulse output
frequency and it is integrated over a period of time to give
energy measurement. This method of calculation of power takes
power factor into account. Thus output pulse rate follows
the instantaneous power measured and the same is utilised
to drive an electromagnetic impulse counter or stepper motor
driven counter in the display section.
The display section not only consists of an electromagnetic
impulse counter with a register of 6 digits(Five full digit
and one decimal digit) capable of reading 99999.9 (Almost
one hundred mega watthour with a resolution of one tenth of
a kilowatthour). LCD display is also provided with software
features like maximum demand, six timezones for time-of-the-day
metering etc.
Three or four LEDs are provided, one to indicate the power
ON indication and the other LED to indicate the pulse output
for calibration purposes to give predetermined number of pulse
for the meter constant as marked on the name plate per kilowatthour,
earthed connections and reverse connections are also indicated by LEDs.
For normal connection, terminal1 and 2 is normally used for
supply and terminal 3 and 4 for load side connection. The
meter will record correctly if these terminals are reversed
or earthed.
Reference Standard: IS 13779
Voltage: 240V, 50Hz
Current: 5-40A, 5-30A.
Starting Current: 0.4% lb.
Power loss in voltage circuit: less than 1 W.
Meters are housed in metal housing
having bakelite terminal block or poly-carbonate base cover, terminal block and terminal cover
Type Tested as per IS 13779 latest amendment
We also manufacture all types of single and three phase multi-function meters with software features as per
the customer's requirement with anti-tamper features like open cover detection, immunity to 0.5T DC magnet etc.